Coaching Queens: CAF D Licence

The Powerhouse Project, in partnership with Right to Dream and Nike, launches pioneering women's coach education programme, named ‘Coaching Queens: CAF D Licence’.

This groundbreaking initiative aims to empower and uplift female coaches in Ghana, enabling them to embark on a transformative journey towards becoming CAF D License Coaches.

The programme is named the ‘Coaching Queens’ with a nod to the Ghanaian Women’s national team ‘The Black Queens’. The project is the first-of-its-kind in the region, will see six talented female coaches from Ghana selected to participate in an intensive three-month training experience.

These coaches will receive top-tier instruction and mentorship from renowned experts in the field, gaining invaluable knowledge and skills that will propel their coaching careers to new heights.

​Through the Women's Coach Education Programme, the selected coaches will receive comprehensive training in various aspects of coaching, including tactical analysis, player development, leadership, and sports psychology. The curriculum has been designed to enhance their expertise and empower them with the tools necessary to excel in their coaching careers.

​As part of the programme, the coaches will also have access to state-of-the-art facilities and resources, allowing them to immerse themselves fully in the learning process.

“This exciting partnership is another step forward in our longstanding commitment to women's football,” said Eddie Mensah, CEO of Right to Dream Academy, Ghana. “Through this unique opportunity, our goal is to empower aspiring female coaches, supporting their career development and paving the way for a more inclusive future in Ghana and beyond.”

As these exceptional coaches embark on this transformative experience, their impact will extend far beyond their immediate circles, inspiring generations of aspiring female coaches and creating a legacy of empowerment and achievement.